Service Yacht Stewardess – 9 Tips

Yacht Stewardess – Setting the Table


9 Tips from a Chief Stewardess

To get a Yacht job you need first to know the basics of setting the table, discuss with the chef what will be served, know how much time the chef needs to prepare each dish. This way the guests are left waiting around. Be confident in what you are serving as you will need to prepare the correct utensils for the dish and inform the guests what is on their plate. Allergies must be addressed before any food is prepared.

Once you have taken our training you can confidently apply for junior yacht stewardess positions here.

The 9 Steps


  1. Wipe the table, chairs and make sure no crumbs are left under the table from previous seatings
  2. Place the ironed tablecloth over the table. The cloth must be spread out equally across the entire If you are setting the table outside, you might need to secure the corners of the cloth with clips. The wind can pick up and you want your table to stay in one piece
  3. Set placemats down for each guest. Place inline with the chairs and they must be symmetrical with the opposite Make sure there is enough space between each person sitting at the table
  4. Plates are placed one inch away from the edge of the table.




6. Set the table – Remember they work from the outside in. Starter cutlery on the outer and mains closest to the plate. If the guests are having desert, the cutlery will be plated at the top of the plate or simply placed on the table once the mains are cleared.

7. The bread plate lives to the left of the The bread knife balances on the right side on the plate7. 

8. Water glasses will sit closest to the top right hand side of the plate. Followed by red wine glass or white wine glass easing closer towards the guests. If coffee is served, place hand- react away to the guest on the right.

9. Napkins will be placed beside the forks or on top of the plate depending on the type of service and whether the food is plate.

10. Lastly salt and pepper, balsamic and olive oil or anything the guest may need for their starters will be placed throughout the centre of the table


Service Yacht Stewardess


Make sure in between meals you clear everything the guest no longer need. Don’t serve the next dish with dirty plates/culture still present on the table.

Keep an eye on the guests’ drinks. Ensure they are happy with each meal and question whether they need anything else before leaving them to eat their meal.

Suggest after the desert is served whether the guests would like any tea or coffee. Place a bowl of chocolates on the table for after.


You can get the Stewardess Package to become a professional Stewardess here

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